Hydrocarbon Reserves Estimation Calculator Online

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Hydrocarbon Reserves Estimation Calculator

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Guide to Use the Hydrocarbon Reserves Estimation Calculator

  • Step 1: Input Parameters: Enter the relevant parameters such as the area, thickness, porosity, water saturation, formation volume factor, fluid volume factor, and recovery factor into the designated fields.
  • Step 2: Click Calculate: Once all parameters are entered, click the “Calculate” button to estimate the hydrocarbon reserves.
  • Step 3: View Results: The estimated reserves will be displayed in barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) in the output section of the calculator.


hydrocarbon reserves estimation calculator

Input Details

  • Area (acres):
    • This input field requires users to enter the area of the reservoir in acres. It represents the total surface area of the reservoir where hydrocarbons are present.
  • Thickness (feet):
    • Users need to input the thickness of the reservoir in feet. It refers to the vertical thickness or depth of the reservoir where hydrocarbons are contained.
  • Porosity:
    • Porosity is a measure of the volume of pore space in the reservoir rock where hydrocarbons can accumulate. Users should enter the porosity value as a decimal (e.g., 0.20 for 20%).
  • Water Saturation:
    • Water saturation represents the percentage of pore space filled with water rather than hydrocarbons. Users should input the water saturation value as a decimal (e.g., 0.25 for 25%).
  • Formation Volume Factor:
    • This input field requires users to input the formation volume factor, which is a correction factor used to convert reservoir volumes to surface volumes. It typically varies depending on reservoir characteristics.
  • Fluid Volume Factor:
    • Users need to input the fluid volume factor, which is another correction factor accounting for the expansion of hydrocarbons at surface conditions. Like the formation volume factor, it varies based on reservoir properties.
  • Recovery Factor:
    • The recovery factor represents the portion of hydrocarbons in place that can be feasibly recovered from the reservoir. Users should input the recovery factor value as a decimal (e.g., 0.40 for 40%).

Methodology and Application

  • Volumetric Method: The calculator utilizes the volumetric method, which estimates reserves by considering the volume of the reservoir, porosity, water saturation, recovery factor, and other factors.
  • Who Can Use It?: Reservoir engineers, geologists, petroleum engineers, and professionals in the oil and gas industry can use this calculator to assess the potential reserves of hydrocarbons in a reservoir.
  • Useful in Exploration and Production: The calculator aids in decision-making during the exploration, development, and production phases of oil and gas projects by providing estimates of recoverable reserves.
  • Optimizing Production Strategies: Understanding the estimated reserves helps in optimizing production strategies, determining economic viability, and planning future drilling activities.
  • Assists in Investment Decisions: Investors and stakeholders can use the estimated reserves to make informed investment decisions in oil and gas projects.


What is the volumetric method used in this calculator?

The volumetric method estimates hydrocarbon reserves by considering the volume of the reservoir, porosity, water saturation, and recovery factor. It’s a widely used technique in the oil and gas industry.

How accurate are the estimates provided by this calculator?

The accuracy of the estimates depends on the quality of input data and assumptions made. It provides a preliminary assessment and should be used alongside other reservoir evaluation methods for comprehensive analysis.

Can this calculator be used for all types of reservoirs?

While the calculator is suitable for many reservoir types, its applicability may vary based on geological and reservoir characteristics. It’s recommended to consult with a reservoir engineer or geologist for specific cases.

What units should I use for input parameters?

Input parameters such as area (acres), thickness (feet), porosity, and water saturation should be entered in appropriate units. Ensure consistency in units to obtain accurate results.

How can I interpret the output of the calculator?

The output provides an estimate of recoverable reserves in barrels of oil equivalent (BOE). It helps in understanding the potential hydrocarbon resources in the reservoir and informs decision-making processes.


The Hydrocarbon Reserves Estimation Calculator provides a valuable tool for professionals in the oil and gas industry to estimate recoverable reserves using the volumetric method.

By inputting key parameters and following simple steps, users can gain insights into the potential hydrocarbon resources of a reservoir. While the calculator offers a preliminary assessment, it’s important to consider other factors and consult with experts for comprehensive reservoir evaluation.