Daylight Factor Calculator Online

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Daylight Factor Calculator

Daylight Factor Calculator

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Guide to Use the Daylight Factor Calculator

Using the Daylight Factor Calculator is easy! Simply follow these steps:

  • Enter the values for the Sky Component (SC), Externally Reflected Component (ERC), Internally Reflected Component (IRC), and Simultaneous Outdoor Illuminance (Eo) in the respective input fields above.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to see the results.
  • The calculator will display the total illuminance at the point of interest and the corresponding daylight factor.
  • If needed, you can click the “Reset” button to clear all input fields and start over.


illuminance (Ei) = SC+ERC+IRC

Daylight Factor in % = (Eo/Ei ) x 100

About the Daylight Factor Method

The Daylight Factor Method is a widely used approach for evaluating the amount of daylight available in a building’s interior spaces. It calculates the ratio of indoor illuminance to outdoor illuminance, expressed as a percentage.

Who Can Use It

The Daylight Factor Calculator can be used by architects, designers, engineers, and anyone involved in building design and construction. It is especially useful for:

  • Architects and designers who want to optimize natural lighting in their building designs.
  • Engineers who need to assess the performance of daylighting systems.
  • Building owners and managers who want to improve occupant comfort and energy efficiency.

Benefits and Applications

The Daylight Factor Method offers several benefits and applications:

  • Enhances occupant comfort and well-being by providing sufficient natural light indoors.
  • Reduces reliance on artificial lighting, leading to energy savings and environmental sustainability.
  • Helps comply with building regulations and green building certifications that require daylighting strategies.
  • Supports biophilic design principles by connecting occupants with the natural environment.


What is the Daylight Factor?

The Daylight Factor (DF) is a measure of the amount of natural light available in a building’s interior spaces. It represents the ratio of indoor illuminance to outdoor illuminance and is expressed as a percentage.

What are the Components of the Daylight Factor?

The Daylight Factor consists of three components:
Sky Component (SC): Direct sunlight entering through the sky.
Externally Reflected Component (ERC): Light reflected from exterior surfaces.
Internally Reflected Component (IRC): Light entering through windows and reflecting off internal surfaces.

Why is Daylighting Important in Building Design?

Daylighting enhances occupant comfort, productivity, and well-being by providing natural light indoors. It also reduces reliance on artificial lighting, leading to energy savings and environmental sustainability.

How Can I Improve Daylighting in My Building?

You can improve daylighting in your building by incorporating strategies such as optimizing window placement and size, using reflective surfaces to distribute light, and selecting appropriate glazing materials.


Incorporating daylighting strategies in building design is essential for creating healthy, comfortable, and sustainable indoor environments.

The Daylight Factor Calculator provides a valuable tool for architects, designers, engineers, and building owners to assess the performance of daylighting systems and optimize natural light utilization.

By understanding the principles of daylighting and utilizing tools like the Daylight Factor Calculator, we can create buildings that prioritize occupant well-being, energy efficiency, and environmental stewardship.