Digital Maturity Score (Examples, Levels, and Key elements)

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Digital Maturity Score

Most businesses don’t know where they stand regarding their digital maturity. 

Without a score to benchmark themselves against, businesses are flying blind regarding their digital maturity. Unfortunately, that can lead to missed opportunities.

The Digital Maturity Score is the solution. This tool measures your business’s current state and provides recommendations on what you can do to improve your score.

Implementing these changes will help you stay ahead of the competition and keep up with the latest trends in technology.

In this blog post, we will start with defining digital maturity and digital maturity score with an example. Then, we look into its needs and levels and discuss some digital maturity model elements.

What is Digital Maturity?

Digital maturity is the ability to use digital technologies to achieve business outcomes. Digital transformation includes identifying and solving problems, creating opportunities, and making decisions in a digitally connected world.

It is not just about having technology tools or proficiency in using them. It’s also about having the right attitudes, processes, and structures to use technology effectively to achieve your desired business outcomes. A successful digital transformation will work for the development of the company.

What is a Digital Maturity Score?

An organization’s digital maturity score measures how well a business uses digital technologies to achieve its goals. The score is calculated using factors such as online presence, web analytics, marketing automation, and technology in customer service.

This assessment helps companies understand their current digital status. It can help them get better so they can have a successful digital transformation that keeps going.

You can use an online digital assessment tool to determine your organization’s digital maturity score.

Just answer a few questions about your organization’s use of technology, and they will give you a custom report with your score and recommendations for improvement. 

Why is the digital maturity score measured?

Infographic for Reasons to Measure Digital Maturity Score
  • To understand how well a company is using digital technologies
  • To identify areas for improvement
  • To benchmark progress over time
  • To assess the impact of technology on business performance
  • To identify risk factors and opportunities


An example of a company with a high digital maturity score is Amazon has a solid online presence, uses web analytics to track customer behavior, has a robust marketing automation system, and offers excellent customer service through its technology.


There are five levels of digital maturity score

Levels of Digital Maturity Score

Level 1 – Foundation stage

Businesses are starting to use digital tools and technologies at this stage. However, they typically have siloed IT systems with minimal digital capability. 

Level 2 – Expansion stage

In this stage, businesses have started to use digital tools and technologies more broadly across the organization.

They’ve started to break down silos and better integrate their IT systems. However, they still lack a clear, overarching digital strategy. 

Level 3 – Refinement stage

In this stage, businesses have a clear digital strategy, and they’re using digital tools and technologies in a coordinated way to achieve their business goals.

They have a robust IT infrastructure in place, and they can adapt quickly to market changes. 

Level 4 – Transformation stage

In this stage, businesses are using digital tools and Technologies to improve efficiency and create new value for the organization.

As a result, they have a very agile IT infrastructure and can rapidly experiment with new ideas or with digital strategy and disruptive innovations. 

Level 5 – Transformation plus booster stage

In this final stage, businesses have Mastered using digital tools and technologies in a highly strategic way to create sustained competitive advantage.

They have a highly sophisticated IT infrastructure and continually push the envelope in terms of innovation. 

Key Elements of Digital Maturity Score

A few key elements are included in the most digital maturity model. 

 Key Elements of Digital Maturity Score
  • The first element is the use of technology to drive business value. Digital development uses technology to improve efficiency, increase customer engagement, or create new revenue streams. 
  • The second element is the ability to use data to make better decisions. That includes using big data analytics to understand customer behavior, predictive analytics to forecast needs, and machine learning to automate decision-making. 
  • The third element is the ability to build and deploy applications quickly. That includes using DevOps practices to shorten the application development cycle, using cloud-based architectures to speed deployment, and using microservices to break up applications into small, reusable services. 
  • The fourth element is the use of digital channels to reach customers. That includes using social media channels to interact with new customers and existing customers, mobile apps to get customers on the go, and digital marketing tactics to reach customers online. 
  • The fifth element is the ability of employees to use technology effectively. That includes providing employees with training on how to use technology effectively, providing employees with access to the right tools, and creating a culture of innovation where employees are encouraged to experiment with new technologies.


What is a digital maturity assessment template?

A digital maturity assessment template is a questionnaire that businesses can use to assess their digital maturity. The questionnaire covers all five elements of digital maturity and asks questions about the use of technology in various areas of the business.
The digital maturity assessment template can store to score your company’s digital maturity and identify areas where you need to improve. The template also includes tips for improving digital maturity in the five regions.

What does the digital maturity assessment questionnaire include?

The digital maturity assessment questionnaire includes
Governance: How well does the organization manage information and technology resources?
Strategic planning: How effectively does the organization use technology to achieve its goals?
Processes: Do processes support or hinder the effective use of technology?
People and culture: Do people have the skills to use technology effectively? Is there a positive attitude toward using technology?
Technology infrastructure: Is the infrastructure adequate for supporting current and future needs?

What are the five best digital maturity assessment tools

The best digital maturity assessment tools are


The digital maturity score is an excellent measure of your company’s readiness for the digital age. It includes the ability to identify and solve problems, create opportunities, and make decisions in a digitally connected world.

It is not just about having technology tools or proficiency in using them. It’s also about having the right attitudes, processes, and structures to use technology effectively to achieve your desired business outcomes.